Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Black Thumbs and Goldfish

**Sorry that the picture is blurry...The lens fogged up when I went from our air conditioned apartment out into the ever so hot Texas heat.

Hello Dahlings, 

     How you doing? Oh how I miss you! Our time in Texas has been going well (for the most part). It's been really nice being with each other and exploring and discovering that there is nothing to explore and discover in Port Arthur, TX and the nearby cities. 

     Last week I decided to buy a hanging plant for our porch. It was so pretty! It had little flowers on it that were already blossomed and was supposed to at least last for the remainder of the summer. Well, the black thumb struck again...I told myself this wasn't going to end in the same situation as the Maxwell Fern and that I needed to remember to water it every few days. BOOM! Few days pass and the whole thing is brown. Dang it. I desparately poured a miracle grow concoction that I had already bought (just not used) into the poor thing and doused it with about four glasses of water. Then, I took it down from the hook and placed it in front of our porch where it would catch the rain water. It's been a couple days since then and thankfully the little thing has regained some of its green-ness. We shall see if I can revive it back to life.

    As I said earlier, we like it here, there just isn't much to do. And, we miss everyone. That's a huge miss. We occupy our time with Teasing each other, Friday Night Lights, Chinese Checkers, Shopping, Going to the movies, and Colin likes to browse YouTube videos of ships or something like that. Last weekend we tried to go to a festival type event in Port Neches but when we got to the main street it was deserted. No food trucks, no crafts, nothing. So we drove around a little bit more and decided to go to Boston Avenue which was suggested by a friend. *Bust again.* The shops were just weird. Not cool at all. There was maybe one where we said "Oh, this is a nice store. Seems a little more normal." We drove around a little more, went to Friendly's, then went to Anna's Linens because there was a big "going out of business" sign. We walked in and that place immediately smelled gross. It was picked over pretty good. They did, however, have a used and stained coffee pot worth $4. Don't worry, we didn't buy it. We also went to Boot Barn, which actually has more than just boots, and is a nice store as well. By that point, though, we were back in Port Arthur. That's our town. We like it here in Port Arthur, plenty of shops close by and the people are very nice.

    Speaking of people...I went to lunch with one of the Coastie's wives last week. It went well I would say. She is very nice and seems like a generally sweet person. I enjoyed the time but somehow I still ended up crying to Colin later that day, saying that I didn't want to make friends. I know, I'm crazy.

    Twice, I tried to get involved here in class type things. The first one being a Silver Sneakers Classic at the YMCA. Whoops. I walked up to the room and waiting outside in the hallway is a huge group of old people. Yes, old, elderly people. I'm guessing they were in their 70s maybe? So, I pretended I was getting a drink from the water fountain and turned around to get my book so I could do the bike and treadmill. At least I tried, right? Then, today, I asked about a Jewelry Making Class at Hobby Lobby. The lady pointed me in the direction of the classroom. I walked by, peeked my head around the corner as my feet kept moving away from the classroom. Again, a gaggle of women probably in their 70s. SHOULD I JUST DYE MY HAIR GREY?!?

    I am enjoying making dinner for Colin and I. Although, I can see it getting hard trying to think of things to make every night. And well...last night I didn't particularly enjoy it. I was trying to use up noodles that were already cooked from a dinner earlier in the week so instead of cooking raw macaroni in the sauce I was trying to wait until the sauce thickened before I put the noodles in at the last minute. Well...that never happened. So I thought I would try adding the noodles and see if they soaked up some of the liquid. Nope. We had noodles with a cheese broth last night. It was gross. Colin was a champ about it and tried to fix it by adding more cheese...It helped a little. For some reason I was just really tired though. My whole body was tired and I was frustrated about the "macaroni and cheese", mostly I was just tired. I was trying not to cry, but Colin saw my eyes welling up and tactfully diverted the breakdown. He's getting good at that. 

    The movers are supposed to come on Thursday! That means we will have all of our stuff here! That should be nice. Will definitely take some time finding places for everything but maybe it will be nice not living off of a baking pan, a pot, and two skillets. It actually hasn't been that bad figuring out how to make dinner with those items but I think it will be wonderful to have more options. Colin has also been mentioning about how he can't wait to make smoothies. Mm now I want one.

     That's pretty much it for now. I'm sure there is more or will be more but I figure that's enough rambling for one post. Hope you two lovely ladies are doing well. I miss my best friends dearly. Please update me on your life whenever you feel the urge! Sweaty summer days of love from me to you!


P.s. The "Goldfish" in the title is just cause lately I have been hooked on eating Pepperidge Farm Goldfish for some reason...that's all.

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