Sunday, March 22, 2015

March Madness

So March Madness is upon us which means that Joe is off watching basketball. He told me he was going to James' to watch the game and I lamented again, for the 20382 time this week that I cannot call my 2 best friends to see if they can come over.
Oh gosh, I am tearing up writing this because I just miss you both so much.....

Ok. Deep breath. Let's remember happier things!

Today Rose Lee was baptized! It was so beautiful and wonderful to see! Katy, we were so blessed to be there (I am also laughing because I saw you today but I am still complaining about missing you. What can I say? I am selfish). Rose is just the most beautiful girl. It's so strange to think of life before her and Neil. I was definitely getting more sleep, but oh what joys they are! It really is crazy to think that we brought new people into the world. Maria, whenever you guys decide it's right, you are going to love it!!

In other news, work is going well....well, it's going:) We have had some crazy patients on the floor and some of the nurses are talking about moving to other units so that makes things interesting. But I did get to take care of a really sweet British lady who called me 'love' and liked to drink tea. I brought her some granola and we became fast friends.
Oh haha so you guys know about "those comments" right? Those things people say that you just want to look at them and ask...."why would you say that" "what does that even mean?" Well, I walk into work one morning and Recardo (the Jamaican guy that works on my floor) says "Natalie, you like the patient in room 8." Hmm, never good to be likened to a hospital patient.

Me: No I don't
Recardo: No, you really do!
Me: Come on Recardo
Recardo: No! Really!

Room 8 was a lesbian heroine addict with half a shaved head.

Well that was a good start to the day. Kina, the secretary, told me I should pimp slap him....I don't even know what that means. Ahh, another day in Shock Trauma.

Love you girls!

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