Sunday, March 22, 2015

March Madness

So March Madness is upon us which means that Joe is off watching basketball. He told me he was going to James' to watch the game and I lamented again, for the 20382 time this week that I cannot call my 2 best friends to see if they can come over.
Oh gosh, I am tearing up writing this because I just miss you both so much.....

Ok. Deep breath. Let's remember happier things!

Today Rose Lee was baptized! It was so beautiful and wonderful to see! Katy, we were so blessed to be there (I am also laughing because I saw you today but I am still complaining about missing you. What can I say? I am selfish). Rose is just the most beautiful girl. It's so strange to think of life before her and Neil. I was definitely getting more sleep, but oh what joys they are! It really is crazy to think that we brought new people into the world. Maria, whenever you guys decide it's right, you are going to love it!!

In other news, work is going well....well, it's going:) We have had some crazy patients on the floor and some of the nurses are talking about moving to other units so that makes things interesting. But I did get to take care of a really sweet British lady who called me 'love' and liked to drink tea. I brought her some granola and we became fast friends.
Oh haha so you guys know about "those comments" right? Those things people say that you just want to look at them and ask...."why would you say that" "what does that even mean?" Well, I walk into work one morning and Recardo (the Jamaican guy that works on my floor) says "Natalie, you like the patient in room 8." Hmm, never good to be likened to a hospital patient.

Me: No I don't
Recardo: No, you really do!
Me: Come on Recardo
Recardo: No! Really!

Room 8 was a lesbian heroine addict with half a shaved head.

Well that was a good start to the day. Kina, the secretary, told me I should pimp slap him....I don't even know what that means. Ahh, another day in Shock Trauma.

Love you girls!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Long Snippet of the Beginning (Beware: Possibly Painfully Long Snippet)

Hi Loves, 

As promised, here are the photos from Sunday night when Colin shaved his honeymoon beard. 
*I am not sure why the center one is bigger than the others...maybe because that one is the creepiest face. Geesh Colin.

Real quickly, I would like to give you a snippet of my life right now. As I went on a run, and took a look at my outfit and remembered how my hair was in a frizzy mess of a bun, I wondered if anybody thought of me as homeless. There are a few men I have seen walking around who could easily pass as homeless. Or, they just really intimidate me. Although I probably don't look homeless to them, I wondered if I look homeless to others. Ok, I'll be honest, I did wonder if I looked homeless to the scary men as well. Anyways, I ended up at a Target which all of a sudden turned into a mall. I convinced myself not to buy a smoothie in the food court and then walked back over to the Target to get granola bars and these weird coconut chips, amongst various other items. Walking back, the homeless thought came to me again. At that time, I came to the conclusion that I have Colin so I'm not reallyyyy homeless.

Well, this is where today's thoughts and conclusions come into play. You could argue it either way. Do I have a home? No, not technically, but I have a place to stay. Where am I staying? La Quinta Inn and Suites in Bellingham, WA. What do I do during the day? Sleep in, eat, walk up and down the main road while popping into shopping centers. Eat, watch tv, browse the internet. Tell myself I am going to knock out a ton of thank you cards. So I don't work, I don't have a home that I own and I just wander all day. I'm homeless. Or, you could say I have a husband who loves me, a roof over my head, family and friends who text and call me, money to spend, food to eat, and a God who takes care of me. I'm not homeless. 

...But then again, maybe that's what all homeless people say...

One other thing that gives me comfort is that when Colin, Ian and I pulled into the driveway of Colin's apartment on our first night back from the honeymoon, Ian turned to me and said: 
"Welcome home, Maria". 
*Ahh* That was so nice to hear.

Ok, The Honeymoon!!! Or at least, I'll start with the beginning.

WAIT. Can we pause for a second? Can I just tell you about where I am right now? Gosh I wish you guys were here. I am sitting in an abnormally comfy chair in a Starbucks with a very large group of older people to my left. A couple in front of me who actually doesn't look like a couple but maybe they work together, especially considering their conversation. Then just past them are three younger guys who seem to be in deep conversation. Then to the left of them are four large people who are reading and on the internet, definitely in their own worlds. Not sure what is going on regarding the other side of the starbucks...there is a shelf in the way. All I know is I chose not to sit next to the two nasly girls talking about who knows what. Could have been interesting but I wanted to be able to focused on the blogggg.

Ok, soooo the Wedding Mass and reception. Ahh I hope I never forget the details and amazingness of the whole day! I hope you guys had as good as a time as I did! I do I do. Ok, I know it might be different but I hope you really really enjoyed it! Can we talk about the wedding night in person? I know you both probably laughed or chuckled...but I'm serious. 

Oh how I loved waking up to my husband, waking up to my Colin. What was also really nice was Mr. Kidwell slipped some cash to Colin at the reception and told him to get breakfast in bed for the two of us the next morning. Helloooo, that was a sweet memory. Thank you Mr. Kidwell!

I had talked to my mom about them coming to get my dress and Colin's whites the next morning. So, I texted her after a little while and asked them to come around 11 (I think). Well, Colin was a champ about this. He was nervous...something about the idea of my dad looking at him and being like "I know what you did to my daughter". Hahah ay yi yi. 

Well, this next scene makes matters even better. We had just finished showering when we received the "here" text. Scrambling for clothes through my suitcase, I told my mom I just got out of the shower and would be down in a minute. Well, see, this is when Colin realized he didn't bring a pair of pants into the hotel from the car. We brought in like one bag of luggage, but I actually think it might have been one of the bags with only my clothes in it. So...I had to walk downstairs, greet my parents, tell them Colin didn't have pants and then run back upstairs. However, the first time I went down I forgot the car keys...take two. Rushed back upstairs, grabbed the keys, ran back down, got Colin's pants and then we walked down together. 

The whole time my parents both just seemed so happy. I don't think I will ever forget the smiles on their faces when I first walked down and we chatted about the wedding. Or, the smiles on their faces when Colin and I both walked down and we chatted some more. They seemed happy and proud and it was just a really nice moment.

I had asked them to bring the camera that we forgot but they accidentally brought Tara and Sam's camera instead. (I gave clue that wasn't so helpful). Sooo my Dad was driving back home to get the camera and my mom drove us to the airport. Not sure if you remember, but that was the icy/sleeting day so my Aunt had texted my mom and told her that her flight was cancelled. Needless to say, during the drive my mom was a bit distracted. We may have almost gotten into an accident, but we all had a laugh and got there safe and sound. We repacked our bags so they fit the weight requirements. Checked them, and waited for my dad. While we waiting for my dad, we ate one of the two pieces of cake my parents brought and called our credit card companies to tell them we were going out of the country. I talked to Southwest first and asked the nice lady if I could report my husband's card as well. She asked if I was an authorized account holder on the card to which I replied "oh probably not, we just got married yesterday, can I give the phone to him?" She laughed and said "Congratulations! You just nonchalantly said you got married yesterday!" I laughed along with her and explained I didn't want to gloat and start out with that explanation then handed the phone to Colin. After Colin gave her the information he laughed and said "yes, yes she is." When I asked Colin what she said he goes "She said: Your wife is awesome." Heheheh whhhaaat? Well, fluff my feathers Southwest lady. 

This post is getting quite long so if you would like to stop and do something else I won't be offended. Below is one of the photos we took before our flight to Texas. (I think that is the right one).

On the flight, we ate too much biscotti (my parents packed a fairly large amount in a zip block bag for us) which basically became our dinner and Colin captured blackmail of me sleeping with my mouth open. I don't have it, otherwise I would insert it just because it's actually that bad. We also sat next to my neighbor in MD. Yep, he was quite shocked when Colin asked him "Sir, do you live on Knapp Court?"

The flight to Texas was delayed for one reason or another so as we were nearing landing, Colin and I were unsure if we were going to make it on our flight. It wasn't looking good.

We talked to a few people while walking off the plane, who were on the same flight from Texas to Sydney, and then SPRINTED to our flight. Natalie and Katy, I mean we sprin.ted. Well actually, Colin sprinted and I ran a little behind him and a little ahead of a loud New Yorker we met on the airport train. Colin made it to the desk at our gate, talked to the ladies, and then we both got in line. They announced that anyone in line should be able to fly, but that they could not guarantee our bags would make it on the flight. "Ahhh! We made it!" Ok, so our bags might not make it but at least we will not have to stay in a random hotel in Texas andd we will be in NZ sooner rather than later! OK!

Then began the longest commercial flight in the world. But really, I'm not exaggerating, that is what we overheard a flight attendant telling somebody on the plane. Off to Sydney we go! I think this is when we watched Edge of Tomorrow. Despite Tom Cruise, Natalie I think you and Joe would like it. Katy, mayyybe you would like it. It's got that weird Sci-Fi feel to it. Last night, Colin was slightly disappointed to find out that I didn't like it as much as he thought I did. I'm just not a fan of alien-like things! But the story was pretty good. Anyways, they also fed us a pretty good meal and then gave us wine too! I drank the wine and then passed. out. I didn't think I would be that person but goodness gracious I think that wine really did help. Orrr, maybe it was also all the planning and wedding happenings. That could be it too. Haha. 

Ok, so I tried to do some sort of leg lifts in the plane. Even though I was barely moving it felt quite nice. Once we landed in Sydney we had a couple hours. You know what? Colin is a keeper. I asked him if he would be embarrassed if I did leg lifts and arm raises right next to him in the airport and without any hesitation he said no. So there we were in sweats, greasy, tired, happy newlyweds waiting in Sydney Australia, for our next flight while I did leg lifts and arm circles like a crazy old lady. He is a good man.

As it was finally time to board the plane to New Zealand, we chatted with an older couple who were also from the states, had spent time in Sydney and were on their way to New Zealand. For some reason, I got oddly excited that other people had similar plans, just, backwards.

So, our first flight from Baltimore, MD was on March 1st, and on March 3rd we landed in Auckland, NZ. Whoooo! We went to the desk to file a claim for our bags, but the guy told us to actually look for our bags first. We did. No bags. Went back to the desk to come to a fairly long line. Shucks. We waited, I paced,  we waited, Colin talked to the lady at the front desk, we waited, I paced and strained my neck to see if I could see our bags in the rando conveyor belt, Colin talked, I talked for a second, I paced, we waited. The lady who was filing our claim was very helpful and we walked away with $150 or so as compensation. Okkkk, here we go! The guy who checked us through customs assured us that he sees that type of thing all the time and that he knew they would find our bags. Ok, that was a nice reassurance. Despite that, it was hard not to think of everything we had in those bags. 

Well, traveling for that long takes it out of ya. Ok, I was being a baby and just needed a minute to breath. Did that as we waited for our shuttle to the Rendezvous Hotel in Sydney, Australia. I am constantly reminded of how patient Colin is and how well he knows me. He let me slump for a little while we waited but didn't let it affect him. We got on the shuttle bus and off we were to the hotel! I am trying to find a nice picture but Google is failing me. Or at least I can't see one that depicts what I remember. Let me just say it was really nice and there was a cool gap in the center. Oh, before I forget one of the days of us being there, actually a couple of times, Colin commented how the elevators smelled like old women perfume. I think it might have been because that is the type of hotel we were at. But I didn't care. It was clean and nice and wasn't a plane.

Colin is smart and had us pack a spare outfit in our carryon bag, so that is what we wore the first day in Sydney. It worked. We walked around the city a little, saw a Volvo Boat Show display and quick little film, walked around a little more while looking for a mall to buy clothes and then finally gave up and ate at a burger chain place that I am currently blanking at the name of the place but I will ask Colin and get back to should come up again because we went there more than once. There was a beat on the burger we ordered. Yum. Actually, there was a lot going on with that burger, almost too much, but it was food and it was good and we both ate every bite. I believe that sums up the first day. For some reason I am blanking on more details but I have a feeling the tiredness may have had something to do with that. All I know is it was a nice day and we were very happy to be in New Zealand. 

I will resume Day 2 and beyond in a new post. Also, I will try to consolidate a little better next time...sorry about that. I hope it wasn't too boring. LOVE YOU GUYS!! MISS YOU!! CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR LIVES! It's 8 o'clock at night here, Starbucks is open until 10...Is it bad that I am debating whether to stay two more hours? Eeesh. (Colin is on duty all night so that is why I am stalling). Ok ok ok ok byeeee, beautifuls!

Love you!
Mo Schu

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Beginning

Well Girls, here goes! As I sit here nursing a baby I think I figured out how we can three way blog. Though I am not the most tech savvy, Google made this one pretty straight forward. Hopefully the amazing inter web can help up stay on top of each other's lives despite the distance between us. Or should I say space? No matter where we are I don't think there will ever be much distance between us.
Anyway, I can't believe how much I miss you two already. I know our adventures are going to be crazy and fun and hard and memorable. I want to hear every detail. Then, some day when we are old and wise and hopefully living next door to each other, we can re-read these words and laugh and cry at what the Lord walked us through. Love you girls more than life!